Nifas SilkLafto sub-city building: datacenter and network infrastructure implementation project
BESYS Technologies PLC had an agreement with AACAPPPD for the supply, design, installation, and commissioning of network and server room infrastructure, video conferencing system, and integrated surveillance system for the city administration of Addis Ababa Nifas Silk-Lafto sub-city G+11 Building. The project was initiated by Addis Ababa Technical Vocational Training and Technology Development Bureau (AATVTTDB) and Nifas Silk-Lafto sub-city with the goal of improving secure access to the network and data center infrastructure of the bureau and the implementation of a video/audio conferencing system and a queue management system.
The project improved the infrastructure security of city administration of Addis Ababa Nifas Silk-Lafto Sub-city G+11 building and streamlined service operations to provide a convenient, flexible, and accessible work environment. An effective and efficient information management system for data exchange and communication between stakeholders was setup to provide a secure, reliable, effective and efficient service to customers.